Your credit score can determine your credit limit, your ability to get a home mortgage, secure an affordable car loan, or rent a home or apartment unit. As you accrue a credit history, you create the financial trajectory of your life. But let's face it: it’s much easier to kill your credit score than it is co re-build it, Whether you damage your rating through ignorance or by simply making poor decisions, you're going to suffer the consequences.
Here are some of the most common ways to shoot your credit score in che foot:
Equifax, Experian and Trans Union are the three major credit reporting agencies. They often contain mistakes in your history. It's up to you to report errors and report changes to all three agencies.
Easily the most serious credit killer — defaulting on credit cards or loans — can slash your score by 100 points. Don't assume debt you know you can't pay off by wishfully hoping for a better future income. A bankruptcy or home foreclosure is a complete credit crusher.
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